It is amazing to think this time last year I only had the smallest of thoughts about looking into publishing a collection of poetry at some point in the future. I self-printed small booklets in the 1990’s and 2008. Today, having only met Jade on Wednesday 13th June 2018 I am around 90 days from the launch of 'In the Palm of His Hand'.
Jade and Aimee at Daisa & Co have encouraged and inspired.
With mood and white boards With pens and paper too, Jade and Aimee have given, Lots to now think through.
The design of the cover, The type style and its size, I think with time needed, To sleep on it all is wise.
It is an exciting process, As my book develops more, This preamble to printing, Deciding and being sure.
The book is likened to a baby, Created, growth and birth, There is great anticipation, Especially if your first.
Jade and Aimee are the aunties, Keen to prepare everything, Alongside when needed, Reassuring and nurturing.
We've talked of publication, The book so called arrival day, And of arrangement of a launch, Akin to a Christening you might say.
I am just loving every moment, And glad to share it with you, Hoping that as we progress, You'll enjoy and be excited too.
©Kate Brumby 19th November 2018
I am really looking forward to the launch of my website where I will be creating a hub of information about me, my writing, and my publication projects.
More books are in the pipeline...
There will also be links to some Social Media groups and contacts other local writers, poets and Authors may find useful.
Here are a few for now…
Words and Pictures hosted by Riverhead Coffee in Grimsby
The First Word is hosted by Waltham Library
The Globe, Cleethorpes hosts a Writers Group and other events including Poetry Slams and Readings
2019 promises to be an exciting year of Book Events including several talks and book signings.
All are welcome on the 19th March when the party vibe begins!